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Shop Dwyer Level Switches

Capacitive level transmitters are sensors with an electrical transmission output for remote indication of level. Models feature an easy push button calibration of zero and span. Comes with a rigid or flexible probe. Applications include chemical processing, aggregates, plastics, and mining.

Conductivity level switches are sensors with an electrical contact output at a specific liquid level. Applications include ponds, reservoirs, sumps, pharmaceuticals, closed vessels and open tanks.

Diaphragm level switches are sensors with an electrical contact output. The dry Level Switch is sensitive and very economical. Applications include mining, silos, hoppers, and food & beverage. A wide variety of diaphragms is available to match product bulk density, flowability, abrasiveness and temperature requirements.

Displacer level switches are sensors with an electrical contact output at a specific liquid level. Models are suspended on a coil spring. Displacers are not affected by turbulence or pressure and are excellent for applications with viscous or dirty liquids. Applications include foaming liquids, heavy oil refineries, paints & varnishes, and chemical plants.

Float level switches are sensors with an electrical contact output at a specific liquid level. Applications include level control, valve control, deaerators, condensate tanks, oil level control, drip legs, and boilers. A few models are designed for the automation of pumps, specifically filling and draining of tanks, wells, and reservoirs.

Optical level switches are sensors with an electrical contact output at a specific liquid level. Dwyer models are low cost and compact. Optical level switches provide rapid response while employing more moving parts. Applications include air conditioning systems, sumps, pharmaceutical, hydraulic reservoirs, and liquid holding tanks.

Rotating paddle level switches are sensors with an electrical contact output at a specific powder or bulk level. Applications include mining, silos, hoppers, food & beverage, and grain silos. The models within this category have either top or side mounting.

Tilt level switches are sensors with an electrical contact output. Applications include large hoppers, trippers, stackers, conveyors, stackers, and crushers. The probes are designed for use where the bulk material to be sensed is exposed or open. The control units feature an adjustable time delay and a logic selector switch.

Tuning Fork
Tuning Fork level switches are sensors with an electrical contact output at a specific level. Cost effective models are an ideal choice for level control of powders and fine grained solids. Models are easy to use and applications include mining, chemical processing, and food & beverage.

Vibrating Rod level switches are sensors with an electrical contact output at a specific powder or bulk level. The Vibrating Rod Level Switch is economical in level detection of powders and bulk solids. Perfect for silo or hopper applications. The probe design allows for self-cleaning, ensuring no build-up or bridging of material and accurate detection.
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